Friday, September 23, 2022

Menstrual Flow is a Pride


The appearance of a girl’s menstrual period should be something that every girl should look out for since it comes to confirm womanhood and ability to have children but is not so for many girls in most rural parts of Ghana, the orphanage and poor homes.

These girls miss 5days of school every month because they can’t afford to buy sanitary towels to help hold the blood, they therefore resort to other means which is unhygienic bringing them lot of reproductive health issues like urinary tract infection and cervical cancer. Some of these girls uses old cloths, maize cobs, tissue paper, exercise books etc. which can’t hold the blood thereby making them soil themselves.

The fear of getting their clothes soil deter them from attending school for fear of their friends knowing that they are menstruating especially their male counterparts. This makes them unproductive since they can neither go to school nor go out of their homes.

This five days of no school makes it difficult for these girls to concentrate and match up to their other colleagues especially the males since they don’t get to learn or hear their teachers teach topics needed for a particular level. This lacking frustrate some of these girls to drop out of school.

As part of Solutions for Life Initiative Ghana (SFLIG) quest to “Make Every Life Count” SFLIG is seeking support to create a PAD BANK to provide sanitary towels for girls in the orphanages and selected communities at the beginning of every semester so they can stay focus on their studies, get their confidence built and for them to stand up to their male classmates academically.

#menstruation #sanitarytowels #sanitarypad, #girls, #women, #monthlyflow, #sflig, #sfligvolunteers, 

Friday, March 13, 2015


World Read Aloud Day is a day celebrated to motivate children, teens and adult worldwide to know the power of words and create a community of readers taking action to show the world that the rights to literacy belongs to all people. By reading aloud, this day shows and motivates children to know that they have the right to read, write and share their story.

Solutions for life Initiative Ghana celebrated this day with the Domeabra change makers Club in the Ashanti Region. Among the various literature to be read aloud this day, the poems Still I Rise by Maya Angelou and Kindness by Naomi Nye were selected. As part of our goal to inspire young ladies and empower them, the poem by Maya Angelou Still I Rise which focuses on self-esteem and rising to achieve your goal despite the challenges and difficulties faced in life, rising to the top despite your background was chosen to motivate and empower these young ladies to focus on their strength and work towards their aspiration.
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The poem Kindness by Naomi Nye which focuses on the power of kindness and experience in life also teaches these young ladies to be kind to others and know that the experience they go through in life either good or bad will shape their life and become self-motivated people in life, helping society and their nation as a whole
The program began with lesson on how to open and find meanings of words in the dictionary. The ladies were asked to find some meaning of words in the dictionary which they suggested themselves.  The Literature Specialist Gideon Kwabena Yeboah explained to them that, to find meaning of words in the dictionary you have to know your alphabet well and also know how to spell the word you want to find in the dictionary. The meaning
 of some words were found in the dictionary and some ladies were asked to form sentences with those words, which was interesting. They were able to learn new words and expand their vocabulary. 
The ladies were asked to read the poem “Still I Rise by Maya Angelou in silence and underline the words they did not understand. They were then asked to read the poem aloud stanza by stanza. The poem was explained to them that, they should rise to achieve their aims and goals despite the challenge they face in life and also not to look down on themselves even though their background is poor, they should have self-esteem and confidence wherever they find themselves.
Likewise the poem Kindness was read in silence and the difficult words were underlined, the ladies were then asked to read the poem aloud, and was explained to them by Gideon Kwabena Yeboah that, they should be kind to people and appreciate every experience they go through in life.

The meanings of the underlined words in the two poems werelooked for in the dictionary and again some of the ladies were asked to form sentences with those words. Some literary words which the ladies came across in the poems like simile, Metaphor, Imagery, hyperbole were all explained to them and they were encouraged to continue reading more story books and poems, look for words whose meaning they find difficult in the dictionary in order to give them a life of hope, independent and joy.

Litworld organization must be applauded for initiating such an event to bring about the importance or reading and poems.